The 2018 FIFA world cup starts on June 14th. Over the last few days we explored the official FIFA data on each participating team. You can use the interactive visualization below to learn more about the upcoming matches and how the teams performed over the last few months.

The diamond shape compares the FIFA rankings of two teams in the top 70 of the world list. The bigger the area on one side the stronger the team. In the example above the red team is ranked lower than the blue team.


Click on the "more" link behind each match to get more details on the opponents.

Personal Note: While we are happy to see the world compete in a sports event instead of fighting each other, we do not support the capitalist and corporate infused agendas of modern mass sports events. We neither support bringing such games to countries which do not respect human rights, free press, free speech and equal rights to all regardless of their gender, beliefs, sexual orientation, colour of skin or any other made up reason.

This website is optimized for tablets and desktop computers. The experience on a smartphone might be limited.

Upcoming Matches

Date, Time & Location Team I Rank I Score I FIFA-Comparison Score II Rank II Team II
Date, Time & Location Team I Rank I Score-I FIFA-Comparison Score-II Rank II Team II

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Opponent Analysis

Historic Rankings

Official FIFA ranking

Recent performance

Last 10 games

Date & Location Importance Opponent Team
Date & Location Importance Opponent Team
Team Opponent Importance Date & Location
Team Opponent Importance Date & Location

All games since 01/2017
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VISLAB is transforming data and information into engaging interactive experiences: from data visualisations, to interactive exhibits, to information portals. Throughout our process: from ideation, to conception, to development, we are taking advantage of user-centered design and user research principles, trying to align innovative technological solutions with actual user needs. Beyond project conception and development, we are also consulting clients and organizing workshops on user-centered design and data visualization.

Sebastian Meier is the founder and lead of VISLAB. Sebastian has a background in Design, HCI and Data Visualisation. He teaches at HafenCity University Hamburg as a guest professsor, is one of the founders of Maptime Berlin and is heading the German Cartographic Society's commission for cartography and research.

Most of VISLAB's projects are collaborations with a network of research institutes, companies and experts across the domains of design, web-development, data science and visualisation.